Marine City (MI) Flower, Plant, & Gift Delivery
Mancuso's Florist has the perfect flowers for your loved ones in Marine City, Michigan. With ravishing roses, lush lilies, and a selection of heart-warming gift baskets, your dazzling gift is just a click or phone call away. Your source for local, hand-delivered flowers, Mancuso's Florist is happy to serve all hospitals, residences, and funeral homes in Marine City, Michigan. Our large selection of flowers and gifts cover any gift needs in Marine City: get-well-soon blooms, sympathy floral arrangements, plants, and birthday bouquets will bring a smile to your friends and family's faces.
Call us with your custom ideas, we can't wait to hear what you need!
Ask about our same-day delivery options.
Our Saint Clair Shores Location
Address:24440 Harper Avenue
Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080
ZIP Codes Served
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Mancuso's Florist offer same-day delivery of flowers, plants, and gifts?
🌷 Mancuso's Florist is honored to offer same-day delivery every day that we are open and have the capacity to do so.
Why is Mancuso's Florist the best local florist?
🌷 We are honored to serve you with a gorgeous selection of fresh and beautiful flowers. We believe flowers enrich peoples' lives in a way nothing else can. As a third-generation, family-owned business, we believe in customer service that makes you feel welcome. Mancuso's is proud to have served the greater Detroit area and surrounding communities for the past century, and we look forward to continuing to exceed our customer's expectations for many more years to come.
What are popular flowers to send?
🌷 Our best seller is the classic rose. Of course, seasonal favorites like sunflowers, hydrangeas, tulips, daisies, lilies, and tropical flowers are always in style.
Do you deliver to hospitals?
🌷 Mancuso's Florist follows all hospital rules and protocols. If the hospital takes deliveries, we will deliver there. Rest assured our customer service specialist will reach out to the hospital and confirm that your recipient is approved to receive flowers and keep you closely updated if anything about the delivery arises.
What happens if no one is home?
🌷 If the recipient is not at their home when a delivery is attempted we will leave the order outside the door/somewhere safe. The driver will phone the recipient to let them know a delivery has been left for them (this is why it is important to provide a recipient's phone number). We take full responsibility when leaving deliveries.